
Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set

Created by Alan Gerding

Everything you need to play Mothership® in one terrifying box. Important Notes: * Pre-orders will ship after the Kickstarter ships (eta Q2/Q3 2023) * Pre-orders ship all together (we can't split up shipments and ship individual items) * Shipping will be charged when the Pre-Order store closes (eta Q2/Q3 2023)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goals Update
about 1 month ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 07:29:13 AM

Hey gang,

We made some great progress on the stretch goals last month, here's what's new:

  • Finished a very cool planetary profile. This is a quick way to map out a planet and goes hand in hand with the tables in the WOM.
  • Finished the content warning checklist. This is helpful for running tables in public where you want to give a potential player an overview of the kinds of content they may see at your table.
  • We've re-designed the poster map for ship combat to fit on a single sheet of paper so that you can print it out for your games at home.
  • Orphans got stuck for a minute with a map issue, but it's almost through proofreading and should be out this Month. 
  • Designer commentary and the TKtv actual play series are in progress. It's still slower going than the rest, but we're ramping up. 

Drivethru rpg fulfillment is ongoing, Tyler is going to make a larger chunk of progress this week, so if you've been waiting, you're in luck. You still have access to your PDFs on backerkit as usual

Sorry this update is a couple of days late, you'll be getting a second one in February with the Orphans release!

Mothership Month in Overtime. Stretch Goal update
3 months ago – Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 10:45:33 AM

Hey gang,

Just a quick one today. Mothership Month was a huge success, we've raised over $450k for Wages of Sin and are approaching $1m for the group collab as a whole. We're not in overtime, meaning the project has ended officially, but won't stop taking pledges until there are no pledges for more than 10 minutes.

If you want to back now, check it out here. We've unlocked all of our stretch goals, and if you back 5+ projects you're getting a ton of free goodies.

As for Stretch Goals, here's where we're at:

  • Orphans is now in proofreading. 
  • Contractors Sheet is done and should be uploaded soon. This is an extra character sheet you can print out for all of your Contractors. It's also perfect for Wardens who want to quickly write up who is on a ship or in a colony. 10 micro-characters fit on a sheet at once.
  • Loadouts are completed as well. These are really cool, we have a single page for each of the 40 loadouts in the PSG. Basically you can print these out and hand them out or use them for pre-gens. They have all the information about the equipment, weapons, etc. on the sheet. 
  • Designer commentary is still in progress. Would ya'll rather do it as a series of live streamed Q&A's or as a pre-recorded podcast?
  • TKtv actual play series we're working on as well, but no major updates here.

We're still working through the drivethru rpg fulfillment, so expect that to continue over the next couple of weeks. 

Alright, that's all for now! Happy Holidays to all who celebrate.


Stretch Goals Update, Mothership Month and Wages of Sin Launched
4 months ago – Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 10:02:04 PM

Kickstarter Update

Hey gang,

I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I updated! We’re moving fast to get all these stretch goals tidied up, so let’s dive in.

First, this weekend we started DriveThru fulfillment for those of you who filled out your survey. We got through the first ~5,500 or so and we'll be handling the stragglers next week. If you haven't filled out your survey and you want your downloads through DriveThru RPG, now is the time.

Second, we recently released the Unconfirmed Contact Reports audio horror snippets. These are incredibly creepy recordings of the snippets in UCR done by professional voice actors, and they turned out great! The file name for each recording references the page number and the horror, which makes cross referencing a breeze. We're also planning to incorporate these into a future update of the Companion App so that Wardens can use them as part of a soundboard.

Third, we also released the 50 Audio Distress Signals. These also sound amazing, each of them is a mayday, hail, or cry for help that can serve as an adventure hook for your players, or a blackbox recording on a derelict ship. They're all over the place too so there's a huge variety of them. We received a note that some of you would like these in a .txt file to make referencing them and scanning for the one you want easier. No problem! We'll get that done shortly.

Fourth, we released the Settlement Rumors as a downloadable pamphlet. Our initial intent was to release this as part of the Warden's Operations Manual but it ended up not fitting into the page count or the content of the WOM and so we redesigned it as a pamphlet supplement. It turned out great and I think it's a good addition to your Campaign Notebook anytime your players enter a new part or make friends with a new drinking buddy. These went out through Backerkit, but we'll set up an item on DriveThru and send them to all of your that way as well.

Fifth, we've been working hard on a cool printable Asset Pack for Wardens. These are a bunch of printable files that can help make your life easier as a Warden both for your home, con, and game store gaming sessions. Includes:

  • (Done) A planet profile sheet to cut out and put in your Campaign Notebook with space to detail everything you need to know about your planet, moon, asteroid, etc.
  • (In Progress) A contractors' profile sheet to give to your players so they can keep track of all the contractors' they've hired.
  • (In Progress) A content warning checklist with sensitive topics so that you can mark them for your session, or table preferences, and hand them out before a session. 
  • (Done) A printable Warden's Screen (which many of you have already downloaded) that fits into customizable GM screens, or can just be taped into your Campaign Notebook.
  • (Done) A few printable flyers, sign-up sheets, signs, and an 11x17" poster to help advertise your game at cons or at your FLGS.
  • (In Progress) Printable loadouts for your players, each one a half page so that you can just hand them out and the players don't need to look up what a "rigging gun" is.
  • (Done) A sample starting jump cluster for you to fill in the details for. An easy one to tweak to any session.

Sixth, we've started recording the Designer Commentary as a small podcast season with one episode per core rulebook (Player's Survival Guide, Warden's Operations Manual, Shipbreaker's Toolkit, and Unconfirmed Contact Reports). This one has been a lot of fun to work on and if there's demand we'll expand it to the modules as well.

Seventh, Orphans took a little longer than we'd hoped but we're hoping to release it by the end of the month. We made some last minute changes to help it better fit in with our upcoming book Wages of Sin and it's bounty system and I think it's really improved quite a lot. Look forward to this one.

Either, TKtv actual play series. We've started talking more about what this would look like and who we'd want to work with. Stay tuned for more on this one, we have some cool ideas here.

That's all our stretch goals and we're hoping to get all of them done, except the actual play, by the end of November. We've recently hired Adam McIver as our Creative Director. He's got almost two decades of experience in graphic design, art direction, advertising, game design, publishing and manufacturing. We're excited to have him aboard and are looking forward to working with him.

If you haven't heard Mothership Month just started! What is Mothership Month? Well, it's a kind of like a month long pep rally for Mothership. Today (yesterday) we along with our third party publishers launched 21 separate crowdfunding campaigns on Backerkit. We've raised almost half a million so far. All projects have funded and we're well on our way.

Check it out here.

As the headliner for Mothership Month we're crowdfunding Wages of Sin, a hardcover 8x10" book with over 200 pages dedicated to bounty hunting centered around d100 bounties, each with their own one shot (or larger) scenario. It's written by the amazing Luke Gearing and illustrated by Tyler Garlando. They got started on this while we were shipping and fulfilling the boxed set. Luke's turned in a wonderful manuscript, the layout is ready, and the book is in editing right now. It's been funded and is well on it's way.

Check out Wages of Sin here.

As a part of that campaign we're also releasing a new magazine called MEGADAMAGE. This is a deluxe oversized print magazine for Mothership filled with comics, interviews (including with the screenwriter of Event Horizon), articles, and short fiction all set in the Mothership universe (or something much like it). We think you're going to love it.

So, if that sounds cool to you, then give those campaigns a look. There's tons of third party publishers who could use your support and lots more announcements to come during Mothership Month including an original soundtrack for Mothership as well as a huge Companion App upgrade which will add some VTT features.

Thanks so much for your support! 

DriveThruRPG PDF Fulfillment
7 months ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 02:44:46 PM

Hey gang,

Just checking in with a small update!

First off, the Mothership release has gone really well. We released to rave critical reviews, you can see some of the highlights here:

UCR Audio Snippets

All audio recordings for the UCR audio snippets have been recorded! Our audio engineer is working hard on finalizing the edits for the recordings and we’ll release those as soon as they are done.


Orphans is still chugging along, we’re just waiting on the last two art pieces as well as proofreading and then we’ll send that out.

Other Stretch Goals

Printable Loadouts, Warden Asset Pack, and Settlement Rumors are all being worked on now. We have Distress Signals recorded and being edited. And we're in the planning stages for the designer commentary. We're in the early stages of casting for our Actual Play series as well.

DriveThruRPG PDF Fulfillment

We’re also ready to fulfill PDFs through DriveThruRPG for those of you who want it. We've sent out a Kickstarter survey your DriveThruRPG e-mail address. If you don’t have one, or miss this survey, we’ll send to it to the e-mail address we have on file for you. We can always update this later if there’s a conflict. If you don't want them through DriveThru, you can always get them on your backerkit.

These are not new files or updated files, they're the same one's you have right now on backerkit, just uploaded to your DriveThruRPG library for ease later on.

Mothership Month

Otherwise, we’re excited for the next book, WAGES OF SIN. It’s the ultimate Bounty Hunting book for Mothership, written by Luke Gearing. He’s just finished the manuscript and it’s going through editing now so that it’s ready to crowdfund as a part of our first ever MOTHERSHIP MONTH this November. We'll have more on that when we officially announce, but stay tuned for more or follow along below.

If you're still having any issues with your pledge or receiving your rewards, be sure to reach out to us at [email protected] . Response might be a little slow this week due to Gen Con (we won't be there, but Tyler will be!), but we'll get you settled as quickly as possible.

As always, thanks for being a part of this project! We really appreciate all of you.

What's Next?
9 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 04:58:39 PM

Hey gang,

About 99% of you have received your orders and the remaining should be getting theirs soon. We have a couple things we want to update you on.

First, we've updated the PDFs in backerkit! 

You should see an e-mail from backerkit alerting you to the new downloads. This only affects the Player's Survival Guide, Warden's Operations Manual, and Shipbreaker's Toolkit. There were a few issues from our digital remediation that needed to be tweaked, but there are no new content updates.

Second, you've got new Digital Accessories!

You'll also receive a folder called Mothership Digital Accessories, which contains the character sheets, as well as (finally) the printable Warden's Screen (yay!). This printable file contains all the tables from the Deluxe Version of the Warden's Screen in a landscape letter-sized format. It's perfect for just printing and keeping with your or for as inserts for a customizable GM screen.

Third, Mothership releases to the wider public tomorrow, June 11, 2024.

It's hard to imagine, but this kickstarter really is just the beginning. It was a long road but the game is now in your hands both figuratively and literally. We could not have done this without all of you. We really appreciate your patience and support, it's been better than we ever could have imagined. 

So what's next? 

Well, there's five things you can do to support Mothership and make sure that there is a lot more to come.

1. Play the game! 

We made this game for you and we really put our heart and soul into it. Play with friends and family, with new friends at conventions or your friendly local gaming store.

2. Tell your friends! 

If you have anyone who missed out on the kickstarter (and its crazy up's and down's), now is the time to tell them about it. They can pick up a copy tomorrow at

3. Sign up to be notified for our next Mothership book: WAGES OF SIN. 

We'll be launching a brand new hardcover book all about bounty hunting in the Motherverse later this year. It's called WAGES OF SIN and it's got 100 bounties for you to track down across the galaxy along with all the tools you'll need to build a bounty hunting campaign. 

And even if you're not running a bounty hunting campaign we've got tons of guidance on how to put these bounties into your game as NPCs and factions. Written by the incredible Luke Gearing, this is going to be a book you'll want sitting right next to your Warden's Operations Manual. 

We've learned a lot from this kickstarter and we're ready to jump back in with a huge toolkit filled with tons of adventure. 

And not only that, but we'll be launching during an exciting new MOTHERSHIP MONTH. We have over a dozen third-party publishers who are going to launch with us, each with their own take on SPACE CRIME. We won't be launching until we're ready to print, so follow the link and follow along.

Get notified when we launch.

4. Leave us a review.

Now that you have the game in your hands, we'd love to know what you think. Some of you have left some really beautiful comments here and on social media, and many of you have given us some wonderful feedback on things you'd like to see in the future. If you're interested, we'd love for you to leave a review at the links below. It may not seem like much, but these reviews do a lot for our visibility online and they also help customers get to know the product and make a more informed decision.

5. Sign up for our newsletter.

We've got a lot more going on at Tuesday Knight Games. From our Werewolf in the Dark campaign (live now and about to unlock its last stretch goal), to more Mothership, to the fairytale horror RPG Fatherfog, there's a bright/foggy future ahead for TKG. 

Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop.

That's all for now! Orphans is still on the way as our the audio horrors and some of our other stretch goals. We'll check back in soon!

We're about to unlock FREE LED CANDLES! 🕯️

P.S. Don't forget! If you're a Werewolf/Mafia/Social Deduction/Hide-and-go-Seek fan, our newest game Werewolf in the Dark is crowdfunding now! It's only got a week left and is close to its last stretch goal. 

Check out Werewolf in the Dark, now!