
Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG 1st Edition Boxed Set

Created by Alan Gerding

Everything you need to play Mothership® in one terrifying box. Important Notes: * Pre-orders will ship after the Kickstarter ships (eta Q2/Q3 2023) * Pre-orders ship all together (we can't split up shipments and ship individual items) * Shipping will be charged when the Pre-Order store closes (eta Q2/Q3 2023)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

4 months ago – Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 04:35:45 PM

Hey everyone (but primarily EU/UK backers),
We have some great news. Our fulfillment company has given us the go ahead to charge the VAT rate for books rather than toys. 

What does this mean?

  • For most of you, you'll see a much lower VAT charge on your bill.
  • T-shirts, the storage box, and patches (extra patches, not the free one that came with your pledge) are still subject to normal VAT charges.
  • We have delayed sending out the charge notification for 72 hours while we input the new data. If we can, we'll send them out sooner. 
  • Cards will be charged 48 hours after the e-mails go out as per normal.

No other dates have changed. Backers still have until Friday, March 29 to pay their bill in full to be included in WAVE 1 shipping.

See Update #33 for more details. 

When will we see the changes? 

We are currently inputting the data and will need the next 48 hours to get the accurate rates uploaded. To do this, however, we had to delete the old VAT information. Assume your VAT rate is not accurate until we inform you that the rates are finalized. We anticipate this will be by Wednesday.

Reminder: this only applies to backers in the UK/EU.

If you're not in the EU/UK: The only change is that shipping e-mails are not going out today (and charges aren't starting Wednesday). They'll be pushed back a few days until we get this new VAT info in.

We're very happy to have sorted this out. And thanks for everyone who helped us work through it. We're one step closer to bringing your games home!

4 months ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 11:50:39 AM

Hey gang,
A lot to go over this week so let's get to it.


  • Monday, March 18: Final invoices go out from backerkit. This including shipping, taxes, and any unpaid add-ons. If you need to update payment or any other information, instructions will be included.
  • Wednesday, March 20: We begin charging cards.
  • Friday, March 29: Payment deadline to be included in WAVE 1 shipping. We've tried to give you a little extra time just in case this charge falls on an awkward pay period for you.
If you miss the payment deadline for WAVE 1, don't worry, you will still get your game. Please see "WAVE 2 SHIPPING" below for details.


We initially had a conservative estimate for shipping, and while there has been an overall increase in shipping costs, we have decided to eat the difference. 

Therefore, we are happy to announce no shipping increases.

If you want to see your invoice right now, you can log in to your backerkit account at: If you're having problems locating it, please feel free to e-mail Tyler at [email protected]


The below dates are what we're planning on and what our fulfillment companies are aiming for. However, nothing is an absolute certainty until games reach the warehouses. Several containers are still at sea and could potentially run into port delays or customs hold-ups (for more information on that see Where is everything right now? below).

And of course... If you haven't filled out your survey (there's about 1,500 of you) now is the time to do it! 

Wave 1 Shipping (You must pay by March 29th)

  • US: QML has a goal of Mid April for packing and fulfillment to commence.
  • CA: QML has a goal of Mid April for packing and fulfillment to commence.
  • EU/UK: PTS and their partners have a goal of Late April to Early May for packing and fulfillment to commence.
  • AU/NZ: QML working with Aetherworks has a goal of Late April to early May for packing and fulfillment to commence.
  • Asia: QML working with VFI has a goal of Late April to early May for packing and fulfillment to commence.
  • Rest of the World: QML working with Aetherworks has a goal of Mid April for packing and fulfillment to commence.

Wave 2 Shipping

If you miss payment for Wave 1 shipping (March 29), then you have until April 30th to be including in Wave 2 shipping. If you have payment in by the end of April, your games will start shipping out in Mid to late May.

If you miss Wave 2 shipping, your order will be handled one off by our ongoing fulfillment team as they come in.

Address verification e-mails
Each distributor has their own timing and method for address verification, but most of you will receive an e-mail from the distributor before the game ships checking your address one last time.

Where is everything right now? 
Most of our games are still on the boat on their way to port. Each region is handled separately:

  • US/CA: The ocean shipment will arrive at port around March 28th. 
  • Asia/AU/NZ: These arrived at port on March 12. From here multiple shipments are going out to each Asian country separately, which will take a couple of weeks.  
  • UK/EU: The original ETA for port arrival was March 15, but this has been moved back to March 26 at port and April 2 at the warehouse due to heavy congestion (and piracy apparently??). 
  • Rest of the World: These will arrive in late March at port.

VAT (Only applies to EU/UK backers)

VAT for EU/UK backers is charged through Backerkit. Mothership is taxed at your country's "toy" VAT rate, rather than the "book" rate. This is because Mothership contains a box, dice, maps, pawns, etc.

Regardless of whether you have a VAT charge or not, you will still see the VAT number and address of PTS (one of our fulfillment partners) on your confirmation page and invoice. This is standard across backerkit, whether you have a charge or not.

Some other items of note: 

  • Digital Rewards: Thank you to everyone who helped us correct the digital reward issues. The vast majority of these are rendering issues due to the way the PDFs were exported. We're getting those issues solved now and will send out updated PDFs and an e-mail as soon as they are ready.
  • Orphans: We are awaiting the final art pieces and proofreading has begun. We will send this out as soon as it is finished.
  • Audio Horrors: Recording has started for these! We're excited to share these as soon as they are done.

Thank you!

It's been a long and bumpy road! Thank you all so much for your support. We're excited to get these games into your hands. If you have any questions or issues, please e-mail Tyler at [email protected] and he'll get you squared away.

If you're looking for a good Actual Play of Mothership

NWTBPODCAST (Nobody Wake the Bugbear) podcast has recently been doing some amazing work. They just finished up a playthrough of Gradient Descent and they're now working through Another Bug Hunt. You can find them on Youtube: or all major podcasting networks.

Shipping Update (We still haven't charged shipping yet 🤦🏻‍♂️)
5 months ago – Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 05:52:26 PM

Hey gang,
First off a sincere apology for how long the shipping charges are taking. I misunderstood our fulfillment company when they quoted how long it would take to input that data. Essentially they’re doing a backer by backer quote, which takes several weeks and they only got started once our boats left the docks. They’re hard at work on that and should have a better update for us soon on that.
As for the timeline, here’s where we’re at. We’re now in the phase where depending on where you live the timelines are going to alter slightly.
US/CA: Our current estimate is that the freight shipment should arrive in late March. If that holds, then games should start shipping out in April.
AU: This shipment is set to arrive in late February. There are some delays due to port strikes there currently. It’s possible these will start shipping to backers before the US, but it will be close.
Asia/Rest of World: These shipments are getting consolidated to their specific regions (Indonesia, Japan, etc.) where they get ocean shipped along with other packages. These could also start shipping out earlier than the US with a little bit of region by region variance.
UK/EU/Europe: These are scheduled to arrive in mid march and should begin shipping out in April, probably alongside the US. These packages are being handled by a separate fulfillment company (PTS) than everyone else (QML).

A couple things!

  • About 10% (roughly 2,000) of you have not filled out your survey yet. Please do! If you don’t know what to do, please e-mail Tyler at [email protected]. We need this in order to ship you your game. If you’re not sure if you’ve filled out your survey, e-mail Tyler and he can confirm.
  • Many of you are worried that your address has not been locked yet, which I totally get. If your address hasn’t been locked it’s most likely because you have some add-ons that haven’t been charged yet. Backerkit has requested that we wait to lock your order/address until we also charge for shipping to reduce the number of charges and confusion (even though it’s a little confusing this way anyway).
  • When we start inputting shipping data you’ll get an e-mail (or two or three) and we’ll send out an update here on Kickstarter. So if you haven’t heard from us, you haven’t missed it!


All the PDFs have been fully remediated by the incredible Dan Shugars for accessibility and usability. They’re really incredible. Those will start going out this week! These are the final final (final final) PDFs (until we catch a typo between print runs). Thank you to everyone who helped out with proofreading! We will also be sending out a printable Warden’s Screen with these downloads for those of you who have been patiently waiting. The Module Conversion kit is also finished and we’ll be distributing that as well! Dai is also finishing up form fillable Character Sheets and Ship Sheets for ya’ll as well. 


Graphic design and layout is ongoing, but almost done! I’m hoping to see near final pages this week and get the final last pieces of art in.

The Panic Table!

If you haven’t seen it already, the Panic Table is an incredible Mothership Actual Play that recently debuted. They’ve got an incredible batch of episodes coming out and I can’t wait for you all to see them. Give them a watch, they’ve started to really hit their stride and I think they have something really special here.
Okay! I know many of you must be exhausted of the wait, we’re right there with you. But every day inches us closer to our end goal. Thanks so much for your patience and support! We’ll be back in touch this week once downloads have gone out.

Small update: Shipping about to be charged.
7 months ago – Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 01:10:55 PM

Hey gang,

Very short update today. Some of you have seen that orders are getting locked and your addresses are starting to be locked. All addresses should be locked in the next 20 hours.

Once that happens, we'll get our final quote from our fulfillment company, upload that and send an e-mail from Backerkit detailing your final charges (shipping, VAT, and any additional add-ons that have not be charged). You'll also get a link to review your information in case you need to correct anything.

Will you be able to change your address after this week? Yes, but you'll have to do it by e-mailing Tyler at [email protected] instead of being able to do it automatically through backerkit. From here on out we're dealing with our fulfillment company directly and so have to communicate changes directly with them.

That's all! I've just gotten word from Dai that the PDF remediation has been finished, so I'll be uploading those final final (final final) PDFs to backerkit as soon as I can along with some other outstanding items (like a printable Warden's Screen). Also, Orphans has moved into layout! We're super excited to get that done and out to you all.

Okay, that's all for now!

Happy Holidays + Locking addresses next week!
7 months ago – Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 02:31:35 PM

Hey gang!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Short update, so let's dive in:

1. Mass production is almost finished! We were expecting it to be done a little closer to the beginning of the month, but they're running a bit behind. We think this will push back delivery a couple of weeks. We'll know better when we get through customs.
2. We'll be locking down addresses next week! Go into backerkit and change your address now or e-mail Tyler at [email protected]
3. Once we have addresses locked our fulfillment companies will send us the final invoice for shipping, VAT, etc. Once we have those, we'll input that into backerkit and you'll get an e-mail to pay for shipping. 

That's all the news on the shipping & fulfillment front! We'll be updating more frequently as things start to pick up and product begins to arrive and we find out our place in the various fulfillment queues. 

Orphans has moved into editing!

Otherwise-- that's all the news right now! We hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday, and we wish you all a Happy New Year!